Book Spines Artists
Over time Parkett has invited twenty four artists to work directly with the spines of the magazine. Each of these artists has made an image that spreads across several volumes, thereby forming a one of a kind artwork gradually evolving over time.
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“… the multi-perspectival approach to writing; the puzzle-book spines; the finger on the pulse choice of artists; and the alluring program of editions: these are the ingredients that make Parkett one of the most influential forces in post war art…”
Iwona Blazwick, Director, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London

Markus Raetz 15–18
Ross Bleckner 19–22
André Thomkins 23–27
Niele Toroni 28–31
Sam Samore 32–35
Jean-Jacques Rullier 36–39
Christian Marclay 42–45
Emma Kunz 46–48
Douglas Gordon 49
Sylvie Fleury 52–54
Louise Bourgeois 55–57
Dave Eggers 58–60
Francis Alÿs 61–63
Nic Hess 64–66
Fiona Banner 67–69
Carsten Nicolai 73–75
Koo Jeong-A 76–78
Ulla von Brandenburg 79–81
Paulina Olowska 82–84
Josh Smith 85–86
Ernst Caramelle 88–91
Francis Baudevin 92–95
Chuan-Lun Wu 96–99
Sophie Calle 100/101
Left: Parkett book spines by 24 artists (Shelf by Franz West for vol. 70)