Bruce Nauman | "Violent Incident—Man-Woman, Segment", 1986 | (for Parkett 10)


Read a Parkett text on Bruce Nauman
Parkett Vol. 10

Quote from Parkett
“One suspects that Nauman would agree with Wittgenstein that language has meaning only in use, and its users are bodies. In the recent work, he seems to want to metaphorically slow language down (perhaps now recognizing that it cannot be really stopped to show that, although language may live on, bodies do not).”
Jeanne Silverthorne, Parkett No. 10, 1986

"Violent Incident—Man-Woman, Segment", 1986 (for Parkett 10)
Videotape, 30 min.,
time of one sequence: 28 sec., color, sound,
Ed. 200/XX, signed and numbered

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Read a Parkett text on Bruce Nauman
Parkett Vol. 10

Quote from Parkett
“One suspects that Nauman would agree with Wittgenstein that language has meaning only in use, and its users are bodies. In the recent work, he seems to want to metaphorically slow language down (perhaps now recognizing that it cannot be really stopped to show that, although language may live on, bodies do not).”
Jeanne Silverthorne, Parkett No. 10, 1986

"Violent Incident—Man-Woman, Segment", 1986 (for Parkett 10)
Videotape, 30 min.,
time of one sequence: 28 sec., color, sound,
Ed. 200/XX, signed and numbered

Sold Out. For updates on availability, please inquire by joining our waiting list

Read a Parkett text on Bruce Nauman
Parkett Vol. 10

Quote from Parkett
“One suspects that Nauman would agree with Wittgenstein that language has meaning only in use, and its users are bodies. In the recent work, he seems to want to metaphorically slow language down (perhaps now recognizing that it cannot be really stopped to show that, although language may live on, bodies do not).”
Jeanne Silverthorne, Parkett No. 10, 1986

"Violent Incident—Man-Woman, Segment", 1986 (for Parkett 10)
Videotape, 30 min.,
time of one sequence: 28 sec., color, sound,
Ed. 200/XX, signed and numbered

Sold Out. For updates on availability, please inquire by joining our waiting list

V I O L E N T I N C I D E N T , 1 9 8 6
(story notes by Bruce Nauman)

The scene includes a table set for two with chairs in place and cocktails on the table. The scene is shot in one take starting with a tightly framed low angle shot that will spiral up and away and clockwise until the finish of the action with the camera at a fairly high angle (looking down on the scene from above head level) and having made one revolution of the scene. Both part one and part two are shot with the same directions. I would see the action taking place on the left side of the table. Shot in accurate color.

1. The man holds a chair for the woman as she starts to sit down. The m an pulls the chair out from under her and she falls to the floor. Man is amused but woman is angry. 2. Man turns and bends over to retrieve the chair and as she gets up she gooses him. 3. Man stands up and turns and faces her now very angry also and calls her a name (shit-assholebitch-slut-whatever). 4. The woman reaches back to the table and takes a coctail and throws it in the man’s face. 5. Man slaps woman in the face. 6. Woman knees or kicks man in the groin. 7. Man is hurt and bends over, takes knife from table, they struggle and she stabs. 8. He is stabbed.

All instructions are the same except the roles are reversed. Woman holds chair for man, pulls it away, man falls, gooses woman; she calls him a name, he throws drink, she slaps, he kicks, she stabs and he stabs her.

Parkett 10 Nauman Bruce.jpg

Parkett Cover
Bruce Nauman’s video edition for Parkett no. 10 featured on the cover of his issue
