Made by Artists for Parkett

In addition to being featured with three to five texts in her or his volume, each collaborating Parkett artist created a special limited edition which could take any form; from print or photograph to object, installation, video, or unique work of art.

Over time the 270 editions have become a small museum of contemporary art and a survey of a wide and diverse range of artists positions across more than three decades.

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“If asked to choose a favorite among Parkett’s artist editions over the past 33 years, my definitive answer would be 'All of them.' The individual editions are wonderful, but collectively they form an extraordinary … collection that charts a vast array of changes that have swept through the art world since the 1980s … including the inevitable march of new and old ideas … and the increasing interconnectedness of artistic centers across the globe…”

Glenn Phillips, Curator and Head of Modern & Contemporary Collections, Getty Research Institute, Santa Monica, California


Eija Liisa Ahtila | "Veil of Ignorance", 2003 | (for Parkett 68)
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El Anatsui | "Diaspora, 2012" | (for Parkett 90)
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John Bock | "Geometrischer Ort der 2 Mio...", 2003 | (for Parkett 67)
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Louise Bourgeois | Reparation, 1991 | (for Parkett 27)
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Louise Bourgeois | "The Maternal Man", 2008 | (for Parkett 82)
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Kerstin Brätsch | + DAS INSTITUT | "Parasite Patch, from Schröderline," 2011 | (for Parkett 88)
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Daniel Buren | "Unique Tablecloth with Laser-Cut Lace (Object to Be Situated on Table)", 2002 | (for Parkett 66)
Sale Price:€750.00 Original Price:€1,500.00
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Sophie Calle | "The Tie", 1993 | (for Parkett 36)
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Gary Hume | "Snowman", 1996 | (for Parkett 48)
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Anish Kapoor | "Untitled", 2003 | (for Parkett 69)
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Jon Kessler | “Habeas Corpus“, 2007 | (for Parkett 79)
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Ernesto Neto | "Phytuziann", 2006 | (for Parkett 78)
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Olaf Nicolai | "Georg‘s Pillow (Replica of a pillow from George Lukács’ sofa in his study at Belgrad Kai, Budapest)", 2007 | (for Parkett 78)
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Michael Raedecker | "The Other Side", 2002 | (for Parkett 65)
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Cindy Sherman | "Untitled", 1991 | (for Parkett 29)
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Luc Tuymans | "Silence", 1990-2000 | (for Parkett 60)
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Franz West | "Pouch for Parkett", 1993 | (for Parkett 37)
Sale Price:€1,000.00 Original Price:€1,500.00
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Xu Zhen | "The Tribal Chief's New Clothes", 2015 | (for Parkett 96)
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Haegue Yang | "Cup Cosies", 2011 | (for Parkett 89)
Sale Price:€1,200.00 Original Price:€1,500.00
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